Country of origin: Ethiopia

Organization type: Business PLC

Transforming clean energy access throughout Sub Saharan Africa countries through research, innovation, capacity development, consultancy service, product development and reliable technology provision. We strive to empower individuals and businesses to provide environmentally sustainable product and service.

Our vision is to be the leading provider of quality technological product and service for transforming the economy.

• Quality
• Innovation
• Sustainability
• Accountability
• Partnership

Our Team headquartered in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, is led by a team of passionate experts who have enormous experience in research, innovation, and leadership in the area of energy and general engineering.



• Improved biomass cookstoves and Briquettes
• Solar cookers
• Efficient electric cookstoves and
• Other Renewable Energy Technology’s




Welcome to our gallery, where we showcase stunning visuals that demonstrate the excellence and versatility of our efficient cookers.

Solar cookstove


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